For many Australians, the struggle to maintain a balanced lifestyle and a nutritious diet are very real struggle. Busy schedules, and the wide availability of unhealthy, junk foods make it considerably more difficult to stay in shape.
Fortunately, many health enthusiasts make use of the meals delivered Melbourne food services are offering. Not only does this give you access to healthy food options, but it also frees up the time you would already have been spending on meal prep.
Tried and Tested Weight Loss Tips
It’s easy to frown when you hear the words tried and tested and weight loss in the same sentence. This is because many people spend a considerable amount of time and effort chasing the easiest way to shed those extra kilograms, only to put all the weight back on months later.
The reality is that people shy away from what really works, only to chase an easier, more convenient solution. So, if you thought this post was going to offer you a quick fix, then we may end up disappointing you! Instead, we’ll be focusing on the old-fashioned weight loss tips that work, if you make the effort.
1. Eat the Right Food
We all like those diets that allow you to “eat what you want” but isn’t that what got you overweight in the first place? The trick to a successful weight loss program is not to save yourself or eat flavourless food. Rather, replace unhealthy food choices with healthier alternatives.
The trick here is to find a tasty way to prepare all those veggies that you’d much rather avoid. With an already busy schedule, the idea of experimenting with recipes may seem like another chore to add to an already long list. Fortunately, there’s a solution.
Homecooked meal delivery services are growing in popularity and with good reason. Not only do you save time on buying ingredients, doing meal prep, and then hoping the recipe works out. Ordering ready-made meals ensures that you’re getting food that’s made by professional chefs who use fresh ingredients.
Another huge plus here is that these meals are prepared in the correct portion sizes, reducing the need for you to weigh food and count calories. With an extensive menu, it’s also easy to choose a variety of healthy options, reducing the chances of you getting bored with the meals after the first week.
2. Exercise is a Must
In a perfect world, we’d all like to lose weight without the unpleasantness of a strenuous workout routine. However, the likelihood of you reaching your goal weight without a quality exercise routine is very slim if you’re doing it the healthy way. This means that you will need to adjust your mindset and make peace with the fact that you need to get off the couch to lose weight.
As with the healthy eating part, the trick isn’t to force yourself into an exercise routine that you’re going to hate and quit after the first week. If you’re not a person who jogs or runs, then find an alternative way to do your cardio. With the wide range of exercise programs out there, it’s easier than you think to find one that you can get into if you give it half a chance.
If you’re still not convinced that you can create an effective workout routine by yourself, join a workout group at the gym. Better yet, enlist the help of a personal trainer. You have someone who can motivate and encourage you to keep going. They will also design a workout that customised to your health, weight, and fitness goals. It’s easier to stay motivated when you’re seeing results.
3. Adjust Your Mindset
The key to losing weight is to replace your bad habits with good ones. Keep in mind that this isn’t something that will happen overnight, so you’ll have to work on it daily. Often, changing small habits can have a larger impact on your life.
For instance, if your pick-up after a bad day is to eat a giant pizza by yourself, you’re never going to lose weight. Rather, change this habit to two slices of pizza or look for a healthier way to pick yourself up.
Meditating, Pilates, Yoga, jogging, and other physical activities a considerably healthier ways to deal with a negative mood. Create a list of the bad habits that make it difficult to stick to a healthy plan and start changing them. A few examples include:
- Adding less sugar to your morning coffee
- Replacing sugary drinks with healthier alternatives
- Overhauling your snack cupboard
- Don’t reward good behaviour or negative feelings with food
Final Thoughts
Losing weight and keeping it off is an ongoing battle that many people struggle with for most of their adult lives. However, making a few changes to your eating plan and finding a workout routine that works for you are key ways to start moving in the right direction. Don’t punish yourself, rather focus your energy on finding healthy, but effective ways to replace your bad habits. A year from now, you’ll be glad you did!