Write for Us

Smartbusinesswebsites.com.au is a tech community. As a community blog, I invite new bloggers to participate.

Our Rules:

  1. Guest columns average 550 words.
  2. Provide examples, facts, and/or statistics to support your position.
  3. Don’t waste time with extensive introductions.
  4. Add a headline.
  5. Include an author bio that explains why readers should value your views.
  6. If you’re not the author, tell us your organization and affiliation with them.
  7. Include images, videos, and infographics.

How Can I Join Smartbusinesswebsites.Com.Au?

Here are some tips for becoming a frequent writer at Smartbusinesswebsites.com.au: 

  1. Visit the homepage and first few pages to see what we post.
  2. Write great information that benefits readers.

I accept papers from these categories. See what type of content we put on our website.

  1. Blog promotion, tools, and suggestions.
  2. WordPress plugins, themes, and how-tos.
  3. Inbound, internet, and social media marketing.
  4. “How-to’s”
  5. SEO software, case studies.
  6. Technology World
  7. News, devices, phones. Health, Fitness, Travel



  • Be creative. Don’t rewrite online articles. Add facts to your blog to engage readers.
  • Give your opinion. Don’t write anything you don’t know well; add your individuality. Your article should show your knowledge.
  • Submit articles between 550 and 2,000 words.
  • Use original photographs or credit others. Always use 800px image width.
  • Support your arguments with studies and research.
  • Please don’t post inaccurate information or fabricated figures.


  • Plagiarize. Please don’t submit already published material or rewrites.
  • Give readers useless articles. Each article should have a goal.
  • Submit poorly written articles. Bad language and phrase structure make understanding technology more challenging. Please proofread and modify your content before submitting it.
  • Use photographs without credit. Plagiarism threats or cases are not tolerated, so please credit others’ work.

Search Terms:

Artificial Intelligence “guest article”
Internet of things “guest blog submission”
Cloud Technology “submit an article”
Science world “want to contribute”
Gadgets “submit a guest post”
Gaming “guest contributor”
“Write for us” + Software
“Guest posting” Smartphones
Mobile Application + “write for us”
Mobile “guest blog”
Computer + “Write for us”
Laptop “Guest blogging”
Terms related to tech blog
information technology write for us
technology write for us,
news ”+” write for us”
“Marketing Technology write for us”
Write for us tech
Write for us technology
Write for Us technology guest post
“Technology write for us”
Tech news write for us
Technology accepting guest posts
Technology business write for us
technology blog write for us
Artificial Intelligence + “Write for us”
Cyber security + “Write for us”
Tech blog write for us
Big Data+ “Write for us”
Cloud computing + “Write for us”
Virtual reality + “Write for us”
write for us “Tech Blog”
write for us “Technology”
write for us “Tech News”

Our Rules:

Email us: